The Real Maintenance Costs for a Wood Burning Stove

Have you been considering getting a new wood burning stove? Maybe you’re looking to replace your old stove that doesn’t produce heat efficiently, or maybe you’re simply upgrading your home. You might be wondering what the maintenance cost involved in wood burning stoves is, and if it’s worth it. Read on to know What Maintenance cost involved in Wood Burning Stove in 2023?

While many innovations in modern wood stoves have made it easier to use, maintenance is still needed for the stove to operate properly. Maintenance helps you keep the stove at its peak working condition as well as prevent excess pollution and keep accidental fires from happening.

Depending on your type of stove, there may be extra requirements needed for maintenance. Take a look at your manual to know the any special maintenance procedures. A quick list of the usual maintenance requirements are also given below. You can refer to these so you can have a checklist of what to do whenever you get around to cleaning or using your stove.

What Maintenance costs are involved in Wood Burning Stove in 2023?

The cost to maintain a wood burning stove will depend on the model of the stove, how often it is used, and if it is properly maintained. Some models may have higher maintenance costs than others. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for care and cleaning of the stove to avoid costly repairs.

Many people choose to use a wood burning stove because it is a more environmentally friendly option than other types of heating. Wood stoves are also generally less expensive to operate than other types of heating, such as electric or gas.

The initial cost of purchasing a wood stove can be higher than some other options, but the long-term savings on fuel and maintenance costs can make them a very economical choice.

Assuming a wood stove is properly maintained, the average cost to operate a wood stove in 2023 would be $30-$60 per month.

Things to know Before Using the Stove

  • Proper Fuel Selection – basic wood burning stoves can make use of a variety of fuel including wood pellets, hardwood and softwood. But for wood stoves that have anti pollution devices such as catalysts, it may be necessary to use only a particular type of wood. Wood or fuel which causes excessive smoke or creosote and soot can clog up or damage catalysts.
  • Setting up Draft – make sure that there is enough air to start the fire. You have to make sure as well that the air is going into the stove and out of the house. You can set up the draft by lighting up crumpled pieces of newspaper very near the stovepipe and flue. This will warm the air and start the correct direction for air flow. Otherwise, you may find that the house will be filled with smoke.
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Things to notice While Using the Stove

  • Feeding the Stove – whenever you put more firewood in, make sure to put in around 3 or more pieces. Placing firewood one by one consumes more energy since you open the stove door more frequently. Make sure the heat will be used to burn the fuel and isn’t wasted in regaining energy lost whenever you open the stove door.
  • Adjusting Vents and Dampers – opening the air vents will help you start up a fire. But keeping it open will use up fuel faster and heat will be lost to the flue gasses and out of your home. Adjust the inlet and outlet of air in order to maintain warmth and continuous burning, but not a large and raging fire. This can take a little practice so you can start by slowly closing the vents and valves until you get the right burning rate.

Things to notice While Not in Use

You should do most of these maintenance steps when the stove is not in use and is cool. This is to prevent any accidental burns or fires from starting. Ash removal can be done intermittently and as needed but always with safety in mind.

  • Ash Removal – firewood can burn best when it rests on a bed of ashes. Excess ash however will reduce the heat produced and can make it difficult to start a fire. Take out ash and any embers when they start to take up a lot of space, just maintain enough ash cover for your wood to rest on. Make sure to use a fireproof container and dispose of it properly and away from anything that can catch fire. You can also choose to completely empty out the ash first if you’re doing general cleaning. You can put enough for a cover later on.
  • Checking Vents and Valves – check your valves and vents for good working condition. Make sure that these vents turn to open or close properly together with the knobs or switches.
  • Cleaning the Glass door – there are commercial products which you can use, but ammonia or vinegar that has been distilled with water can also work.
  • Cleaning the stove pipe, flue, and chimney – a certified chimney sweep should be considered when cleaning all ducts that the flue gasses pass through. This will ensure that the build up of soot will be avoided. Soot can cause accidental chimney or flue fires since soot is still flammable. Soot will usually fall back into the stove. You may have to remove any accessories in between the stove and flue such as catalysts or combustors first. A plastic or polymer chimney brush should do the trick to remove soot.
  • Cleaning the Stove – remove all build up of soot from inside the stove. Hot and clean burning-fire can also remove soot. You can choose to do this a day or two before cleaning the stove. This will remove large build up of creosote. For any left over soot, a brush or small scraper will work fine. Check the stove for cracks, rust or fades. Repair these spots immediately.
  • Checking Accessories – check any special accessories your stove may have. Secondary combustors, catalysts and any insulation should be checked and cleaned. There are specific manufacturer’s instructions for this which should be followed to avoid damaging these.
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Maintenance of wood stoves isn’t too technical but it does require following instructions and keeping safety in mind. Make sure the stove is well maintained and clean especially if you haven’t used the stove for a long time.

Are there any downsides to using a wood burning stove?

There are a few downsides to using a wood burning stove. One is that it can be messy, as you have to deal with the ashes and soot. Additionally, wood burning stoves require more maintenance than other types of stoves, as you have to regularly check and clean the chimney.

Finally, wood burning stoves can be dangerous if not used properly, so it is important to follow all safety precautions.

What is a Cost of Wood Per Kilogram?

The average cost of wood per kilogram can vary greatly depending on the type of wood, the moisture content, and where you purchase it. However, as a general guide, expect to pay between $1 and $2 per kilogram.

If you’re looking to use wood for fuel in a wood burning stove, it’s important to make sure that the moisture content is as low as possible. Wetter wood will not only produce less heat, but will also create more smoke and potentially damage your stove.

For this reason, many people choose to buy their wood from a local sawmill or firewood dealer, who can guarantee dryness. If you purchase your wood from a big box store, however, be sure to check the moisture content before bringing it home.

How much Fuel do you need to cut and store for Winter?

Assuming you have a wood-burning stove, you will need to stockpile enough firewood to last you through the winter. The amount of wood you need will depend on the size of your stove, how often you use it, and the climate you live in.

On average, you should plan on stocking up on one cord of wood for every two weeks of winter. This means that if winter lasts for six months in your area, you will need approximately 24 cords of wood.

While it is possible to cut and store your own firewood, it can be a lot of work. If you don’t have the time or ability to do it yourself, you can purchase firewood from a local supplier. Be sure to buy your firewood early so that you don’t get stuck paying premium prices later in the season.

What is Wood burning stove efficiency?

Wood burning stove efficiency is determined by the ratio of the heat output of the stove to the wood input. The higher the efficiency, the less wood is required to produce a given amount of heat. When selecting a wood burning stove, it is important to consider both the initial cost and the operating cost. The initial cost includes the purchase price of the stove and the installation costs. The operating cost is composed of the fuel costs and the maintenance costs.

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The fuel costs are a function of both the type of wood used and the efficiency of the stove. Hardwoods, such as oak and maple, burn hotter and longer than softwoods, such as pine. As a result, hardwoods are more efficient and cost less to operate than softwoods. In addition, pellet stoves have higher combustion efficiencies than traditional wood stoves, resulting in lower fuel costs.

The maintenance costs associated with a wood burning stove include regular cleaning and inspection of the unit, as well as repairs when necessary. These costs can be significant, so it is important to factor them into your decision when selecting a wood burning stove.


If you are considering purchasing a wood burning stove, you may be wondering about the maintenance cost involved. Here are some FAQs to help you better understand the potential costs:

1. How often do I need to have my wood burning stove serviced?

Most manufacturers recommend having your wood burning stove serviced every 12 months. This ensures that the stove is operating efficiently and safely. A service typically includes a thorough inspection and cleaning of the unit.

2. How much does it cost to have my wood burning stove serviced?

The cost of a wood burning stove service can vary depending on the company you use and the complexity of the service required. However, you can expect to pay around $100-$200 for a basic service.

3. What are some common repairs that may be needed for my wood burning stove?

Some common repairs that may be needed for a wood burning stove include replacing worn out parts, such as gaskets or glass doors. In some cases, more serious repairs, such as chimney repair, may be necessary. The cost of these repairs will vary depending on the severity of the issue.

The cost of maintaining a wood burning stove in 2023 is not as high as one might think. With the proper care and regular cleaning, the cost of maintaining a wood burning stove is relatively low. The average homeowner can expect to spend between $100 and $200 per year on maintenance costs, depending on the size and type of stove. I hope you like reading on What Maintenance cost involved in Wood Burning Stove in 2023?